There is no turning back - Interview Emmalia Bijker

Every now and then I go to dance with Emmalia. We know each other from the time of the Essence Coaching course and we both really enjoy the free-form “estatic dance”, where everything is possible and allowed, except for talking to each other or drinking alcohol. In March 2018 I spoke to her at the kitchen table. Emmalia Bijker has had its own yoga school in Abcoude for decades. Emmalia told me what she thought about Essence Coaching and how this has changed her way of working as a yoga teacher: “I can't go back to the yoga I used to teach”. 

Emmalia: “During the Essence Coaching course I found the path that I would like to expand towards more awareness. That was completely in line with my own path. ”

I was looking for a connection with an unknown side of myself. I missed my entrepreneurial spirit, I wanted to put myself down more and show myself more clearly. An interview on Youtube really appealed to me. In it Lenne Gieles described the balance between the inner man and the inner woman. During the Essence coaching training I got to know my own inner man and I discovered his need. Need for recognition and recognition. By giving this recognition to myself, I was able to experience myself as more complete. And I could give myself more space, by letting everything be there. It sounds simple, but this was a painful process at first. Because there were also times when I did not experience that recognition and that was very confronting.

At the same time I discovered my inner wife, who was allowed to dare to feel more. I can help other people better because I am more myself. I allow my own feelings more, show this to others and with that I pass on this wisdom. Those who are open to this I have something to offer, namely a journey of discovery to and within yourself.

Did that journey go completely unscathed with you? 

I've come across quite a bit sometimes and it hurts. I saw the pain in others and realized that the other person also mirrors my own pain. The meditations and the protective warmth of each other allowed me to get to that pain. This self-examination led to insight and the release of resistances. This has made me more complete. I continue to encounter defenses and pain, but I come back to myself faster. I quickly recover from imbalance and regain my balance.

I can't go back to the yoga I used to teach. That takes some getting used to for some. She laughs and says: “When I recently had them rock each other's heads during a yoga class, for example, this evoked resistance. One student said, I come here to do yoga exercises ”. 

My way of working as a yoga teacher has broadened partly due to Essentiecoaching. I work with themes that add more depth to the yoga class.

With a theme such as surrender yoga, relaxation and personal development come together. During surrender exercises, participants experience how they cramp. Shaking or rocking legs and arms makes you aware of how difficult it is to surrender to the other person and to the situation. I help you to let go of control, by finding a safe place within yourself. Essence coaching has given me added value. By standing behind someone as a teacher, the yoga practitioners experience support for themselves and they feel safe. In this way they can show their vulnerability.

With the theme of love I pay attention to the love for your body. Many students treat an arm as one thing. Having them treat their own arm or another's arm like a baby makes them more subtle in their movement, with more attention and love.

Participants may also indicate themselves what keeps them busy, so that we can respond to this in class. These are often coordinated themes, which are also important for other participants. I listen, I am there for the other person and broaden the theme so that others recognize themselves in it. Then I choose an exercise that matches the dilemma that has been brought in. These are often body and emotional experience-oriented exercises, where you become aware of sensations and blockages in your body. You can also be invited to gain experiences with a partner.

This way of working I attract other students. Especially people who want to live more consciously. My way of working provokes resistance in others. It is too confronting for them to feel more.

Do you not scare participants away from your group lessons?

Everyone is and remains welcome. I am open to all students. When choosing themes, I also ensure that I have something to offer for less experienced students. By connecting on multiple dimensions, I connect to the differences in level. Everyone can join the theme at their own level.

For example, the theme of earth. Most people manage to ground. I let everyone walk and feel the earth. A level deeper, by also using imagination. For example, imagine kissing the Earth. Some of the people may laugh, but for others it gives an extra depth. So I leave people free to take out what benefits them.

Emmalia Bijker's website:

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Tijs Breuer is 52 years old, a certified personal coach, body worker and masseur. Essence coaching is aimed at getting you to the core of who you really are. Tijs works with personal attention, touch and presence. It helps you to feel better about yourself.

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