What is meditation?

Meditation is a broad concept that includes various mental exercises. The core of meditation is training the mind to calm down, focus attention and increase insight. In practice you see a varied interpretation with a wide range of objectives and methods.

Different definitions emphasize different aspects:

  • Van Dale: Meditation is thinking, contemplating, or delving into a subject.
  • Wikipedia: Meditation is a form of spiritual or cognitive practice aimed at promoting mental clarity, calmness and concentration.
  • Yoga by Happinez: Meditation is just being, in the here and now. You observe your thoughts without judgment.
  • Flow Magazine: Meditation is about (mental) silence. You let your mind calm down and focus on the here and now.
  • The psychologist: Meditation aims to promote spiritual, non-dual insights.

Some key words that often appear in definitions of meditation are:

  • Attention: Focused and conscious perception.
  • Concentration: Holding your attention on a chosen object.
  • Conscience: Increased awareness of your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations.
  • rust: Reduction of mental activity and stress.
  • Acceptance: Unconditional acceptance of what is, without judgment.

There are many different methods and forms of meditation, such as:

  • Contemplation: Focused attention on an object, such as a mantra or the breath.
  • Concentration meditation: Strengthen concentration by ignoring distractions.
  • Vipassana Meditation: Observing thoughts and emotions without judgment.

Many meditation schools preach that they can teach you the ultimate or only true form of meditation and that you should stick with it. My advice is to try different forms of meditation to discover what suits you. Realize that there is no universal definition of meditation. And that the practice can differ per tradition, method and individual. Look at the goal you want to achieve with meditation, which can vary. Maybe you strive for stress reduction, or self-reflection, or spiritual growth.

Read more, meditation videos and exercises

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