Nature-walk coaching

Do you need a helping hand? Outside you experience everything differently. The environment is an inspiration and resource for your personal development.

During a walking coaching session there is not only walking and talking. There is constant reflection on the environment. Everything we encounter is used for this. Movement and your senses are also used to reflect on your inner processes.


Tijs Breuer works with a reflective-oriented form of walking coaching. This form of personal guidance was developed by Peter Krijger, together with other teachers from the Atma Institute.

Corona crisis

The Corona Crisis presents everyone with new issues that may require your support. Social isolation increases the risk of health problems such as heart disease, dementia and stress. It increases your cortisol levels and lowers your immunity. Sitting on each other's lips for a long time can also cause stress, which is why many couples are looking for it right now relationship coaching. The loss of loved ones or the ending of a relationship can also - sometimes unexpectedly - cause you to end up in a grieving process. Some people experience a high workload, with the risk of burnout as a result. Then seek support in time to prevent worse.