
Do you want to develop yourself from within, by connecting better with your body? Then try if body work is for you. In body work, not much is spoken, but mainly felt, moved, touched. You touch yourself inside and listen to what is happening in your depth. You become more aware of body signals. That literally gets you and your life moving. By focusing your attention on the inner world, you get closer to your feelings and closer to your core. From there you can shape what you want to bring to the outside world.

Bioenergetics was developed by Alexander Lowen. You can make changes in yourself and in your daily life in a short time, by moving on the basis of sophisticated bio-energetic exercises. Mental and physical blockages are revealed and through movement and touch the tension can dissolve and the energy can flow freely again.

Reichian bodywork is a methodology developed by Wilhelm Reich. While you lie in certain positions, you are touched in different places, sometimes softly, sometimes firmly. You are invited to apply breathing techniques, which sometimes cause spontaneous movements or sounds. This way your life energy is generated, your breathing is reprogrammed and your natural movements are promoted.

Emotional bodywork is an integration of both methods, whereby your mental and emotional resilience is also worked on. This is usually done in three steps:

Step 1 Body awareness: you learn to feel, to stay with your emotions and to express them. You work on strengthening your personality and authenticity.
Step 2 Sight and control: You learn to recognize the connection between your emotions and thinking. You recognize how you have led your life and what you want to change in it. Think of habits, patterns, assumptions, beliefs and inner values. You shape your inner compass.
Step 3 Living from the here and now: You experience the difference between your personality and the essence of life. You explore the possibilities of living from an inner source of love. You give meaning by being consciously present and experiencing silence.

Other forms of bodywork

In addition to the forms mentioned above, there are all kinds of other forms of bodywork. Some forms that Tijs Breuer uses in his practice: