Code of ethics for tantra professionals

Tijs Breuer is affiliated with the platform TantraWiser, which is committed to promoting tantra and tantra-inspired work in the Netherlands. Within this platform, intervision, inspiration and additional training activities are organized for colleagues.

Professionally dealing with the forms of contact involved in this work requires a high degree of responsibility and ethical awareness. That is why within this platform a code of ethics drawn up.

The purpose of this is to guarantee ethical awareness and to be a starting point for discussion when questions arise about the ethical conduct of a tantra professional. In addition, she offers clarity to clients or participants about ethical behavior within Tantra. The code has been drafted in such a way that it offers frameworks within which tantra-inspired work can be performed, while at the same time leaving sufficient room for the diversity in approach and offerings of individual professionals.

When the code upholds a higher ethical standard than the law, professionals will have to abide by the code. If the code appears to be against the law, the code must be reinterpreted to comply with the law.

By subscribing to the ethical code of conduct, the professional indicates that he/she adopts a professional attitude and that he/she is able and willing to account for himself towards clients, participants or colleagues. He/she also confirms that he/she is reliable in agreements and statements, and he/she can be held accountable for behavior in the event of non-compliance with the rules laid down in the code of conduct.

Notification and complaints

If you are dissatisfied with the method or the treatment, it is of course wise to contact the practitioner immediately. You can also contact TantraWijzer with complaints. When TantraWijzer receives a report about a provider, the reporter will be processed or referred to another authority, depending on the nature of the report. A more detailed description of how TantraWijzer handles notifications can be found here.


Tantra: Tantra is understood to mean the Hindu and Buddhist spiritual tantra movements and the inspired forms of 'Neo-tantra'. In addition to tantra, this broad field of work can also contain aspects of Taoism, psychology, sexology, mindfulness, empowerment, Shamanism, Yoga, etc.
Tantric professional: A person or legal entity who offers tantra sessions and/or training as a profession, or who is professionally inspired by a tantra tradition or philosophy.
Client/Participant: A person who uses or wishes to make use of the services of a tantra professional for a fee.
Session/training: The term 'session' can describe several teaching methods in this document and should be read in the broadest sense of the word. It can be an individual session, a group session, training or workshop, a retreat, etc.

Code of Ethical Conduct

1. The tantric professional

1.1 – Tantra is more of a way of life than a profession. A professional is primarily a tantrika and practices what he/she teaches or passes on to clients or students.

1.2 – A tantra professional has a clear vision of what tantra means for him/her, which aspects of his/her work are tantric, and which aspects come from other methods/forms/traditions/etc.

1.3 – The tantra professional is aware of the limits of his/her qualities, knowledge, and skills and takes this into account when taking on new clients, or completing a session/workshop/etc.

1.4 – The professional only offers methods and work forms in which he/she is sufficiently competent. Depending on the working method, this competence can be obtained on the basis of (certified) education, personal experience, training, etc.

1.5 – A tantra professional works hygienically.

1.6 – He/She is not under the influence of narcotics or intoxicants during a session and does not treat clients who are under the influence.

1.7 – The professional does not reject clients or participants on the basis of race, origin, belief, sexuality, or any other factor that could be considered discriminatory. Assessing the suitability to participate in a session or workshop, based on experience or suitability to the content of the workshop, is the professional responsibility of the provider.

2. Boundaries and boundaries during a session

2.1 – The professional always offers clients the option of choosing whether or not to participate in an activity or interaction. A client is never obliged to participate and will not be forced to do so in any way.

2.2 – Before a session or training, it is determined what the boundaries of the interaction are at that moment. These limits are respected throughout the session/training. This includes touching or not touching certain body parts during a session, or limiting the possibility of intimate contact between participants during a workshop.

2.3 – In a longer trajectory, a participant has the space to review or redefine his/her boundaries to support his/her own development.

2.4 – During a session, the limits set cannot be expanded, neither at the request of the client, nor at the request of the professional. For example, when the desire arises to receive a more extensive massage than discussed. This desire can be expressed afterwards, after which the client and professional can independently determine whether this is desired in a follow-up session.

2.5 – When the client or professional wants to narrow the boundaries during a session, this is done at all times.

2.6 – When a work form involves physical touch from a supervisor, this touch occurs from conscious contact, it is appropriate for the situation and aimed at the development of the client or participant.

2.7 – During a session, workshop, or trajectory, moments are built in when a client or participant gives verbal and/or written consent for entering into physical contact.

3. The professional relationship: division of roles and balance of power

3.1 – A tantra professional aims in all cases for the well-being of the client or participant and acts to promote this well-being and not to cause any harm.

3.2 – The professional who works in a group is aware of the effect of group dynamics and of (implicit) peer pressure that can be felt.

3.3 – The professional is aware of the power relationship that arises between a professional or teacher and a client. He/she will not abuse this balance of power in any form.

3.4 – The tantra professional affirms not to satisfy his/her personal/emotional/erotic needs through clients. A session is and always remains focused on the development of the client.

3.5 – Until at least three months after the last professional contact, the professional does not enter into an intimate or sexual relationship with a former client.

3.6 – When a personal attraction arises from the professional and/or the client, this is discussed (possibly under professional supervision) with the aim of keeping the professional frameworks clear.

4. The Tantra field

4.1 – The professional strives for an integrated approach to the client's questions and where necessary stimulates communication and integration with regular therapy or medicine.

4.2 – He/She takes into account the health of the client and any contraindications for a treatment.

4.3 – The tantra professional has an open attitude towards colleagues, is willing to learn from others and to listen to criticism and suggestions.

4.4 – When in doubt about the ethical conduct of a colleague, professionals who subscribe to this code can address each other in a positive and constructive way. If necessary, you can contact TantraWijzer for this conversation.

4.5 – The professional is open to peer supervision or supervision with/from colleagues.

4.6 – He/She does not seek to compete with other professionals or take over clients.

4.7 – The tantra professional knows his/her own competences, and refers when these are not sufficient for the client's request.

4.8 – The professional speaks in the public and private spheres about the work (field) in a respectful and honest manner and upholds the code of ethics.

5. Conflicts, openly approachable

5.1 – In the event of a conflict with a client or colleague, the tantra professional is willing to mediate, or seek other means to resolve the conflict.

5.2 – When a conflict arises between a client and a professional, the aim is to find a solution that is beneficial to both parties. Sufficient attention must be paid to both the client's story and the accountability of the professional.

5.3 – If it appears that a professional has acted reproachfully, he/she is prepared to undergo further training or development in order to prevent such acting in the future.