Measures fourth corona wave

December 14, 2021 – UPDATE COVID-19

The current Corona measures have been extended and will continue to apply until 14 January 2022. Since November 28, 2021, the corona measures of November 12, 2021 have been tightened up in order to reduce the sharp increase in the number of corona infections and to prevent further overloading of healthcare. 

  • An evening lockdown will apply from 17:00. After that time, contact professions are closed (so no massages) and group meetings are prohibited (no workshops). Coaching conversations and mindfulness sessions are still allowed.
  • Face masks are mandatory in public spaces and in contact professions. So when you enter the practice room you will receive a mouth cap.


Read the latest newsletter: “What do you discover in the silence?” (January 2022).

Do face masks help?

Since November 6, there is again a mask obligation for public spaces and contact professions.

The effect of mouth caps has now been proven. When used properly, masks catch some of the exhaled droplets containing virus and can prevent contaminated droplets from ending up in someone else's mouth or nose. They thus prevent part of the spread of the virus. To what extent they help is difficult to research scientifically.

The largest study to date was conducted at the end of 2020, beginning of 2021. In it, 340.000 residents of 600 villages in Bangladesh per village were given either surgical or cloth nasal masks or not (they could buy them themselves). After two months, 41 percent of the villagers in the first group wore face masks, compared to only 13 percent in the second group. In the villages where surgical masks were distributed, there were 11 percent fewer people with covid-like complaints.

There is little difference in daily practice between fabric mouth caps, surgical mouth masks or the FFP2 mouth caps (also known as N95) that are worn in the ICU, various studies have shown. Due to medical procedures, much higher concentrations of virus circulate in an ICU than outside it, which is why they are used there.

Why do we still have to wash hands upon entering?

SARS-CoV-2 appears to be transmitted through surfaces less frequently than some other respiratory viruses. The virus is transmitted through the air through snot, cough, sneeze, breath and speech drops. We often unconsciously wipe our nose with our hand. Through hands that have touched a contaminated surface or an infected hand, the virus can enter our body through the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes. SARS-CoV-2 was still viable after nine hours in a lab test using pieces of human skin. Washing hands before and after every visit to another person, or to a shop or other occasion, therefore remains a good idea. 

As a masseur, I have always washed my hands with soap before and after, to ensure optimal hygiene. Since corona I ask clients to do this too, prior to treatment.

November 13, 2021 – UPDATE COVID-19

On 12 November 2021, the cabinet again took strict measures to curb the sharp increase in the number of corona infections and to prevent further overload on healthcare. 

  • Face masks are again mandatory in public spaces and in contact professions. This applies to both the masseur and the client. So when you enter the practice you will receive a mouth cap from me.
  • Non-essential shops and services such as clothing stores, contact professions such as masseurs and hairdressers are open until 18.00 pm. So in the evenings only coaching and mindfulness sessions are possible. Massage, body work and tantra will only be given during the next few weeks.

Download here of read all measures currently in force.