Together we give children in war zones a safe place

UPDATE – January 4, 2024 – In the month of December 2023, we donated more than €400,00 to War-CHILD. The proceeds from the workshops I gave that month - after deducting the rental costs of the space) - were transferred to this charity. In addition, some clients have donated an amount via this website. They received a gift voucher for a treatment as a thank you. My dear friend and colleague Christian Wicke has also donated part of the proceeds from his yoga workshops to War-CHILD. War-CHILD has now almost reached its target of €100.000,00.

Thanks to this help, War-CHILD can offer children in war a safe place. Here children learn to deal with their anger or stress through creative games and exercises. This allows them to process their fears, play and learn.

In this way they ensure that children feel safe again - and no longer live in their worst nightmare. Because every child deserves a safe place. Thanks for your support!

You can still donate to WARchild, but the payment link and December offer have been removed from this article. You can donate to WARchild via this link link.

Original post (December 2023)

December 1 2023 - Tijs Breuer will donate the proceeds from all workshops he gives in December 2023 to Warchild. Because we live in dark times. For children in Gaza, Ukraine or Sudan, every day is a harsh confrontation with reality.

WARchild offers children a safe place. Physically, but also in their heads. In safe places, children learn to deal with their anger or stress through creative games and exercises. Where they can process their fears, play and learn. In this way, together we ensure that children no longer live in their worst nightmare. #WARCHILD

Christmas offer (has expired): If you donated at least €50,00 to WARchild via my website, you received a €50,00 discount voucher for the next treatment.