It is best to go outside to move

March 30 2020

In Italy, Spain and Belgium, a general “lockdown” applies to prevent further spread of the (COVID-19) Coronavirus. It is almost forbidden to go outside there. In the Netherlands and Germany an “intelligent lockdown” has been announced for the time being, so we can still go outside to move.

That's good news, because in addition to eating healthy, outdoor exercise helps to keep your fitness level and less susceptible to diseases. So let's enjoy our freedom while it is still possible. Go out (alone!) To move!

What is allowed and what is not allowed?

The national government advises: "Stay at home as much as possible." But on the website you can also read: “Getting some fresh air and exercising outside is fine, but preferably do not exercise in a group. Keep enough distance and go outside alone or with your family. ” If you do not comply with this, you risk a fine of € 400.

Virologist Marion Koopmans (professor of virology at Erasmus University), who advises the European Union, adds: 'Keep 1,5 meters away. It is best to exercise outside, but do not do sports where you are on top of each other. If you have complaints, just stay home. Remember that you may be contagious, even if you are not bothered yourself. You have to do that because otherwise there is no place in intensive care for your (grand) parents. ' 

Why is outdoor exercise so healthy?

Five reasons to exercise outdoors:

  • The UV light makes your body produce this vitamin in the skin. The UV light provides vitamin D in your body, which is essential for your bones and your immune system.
  • Sun and daylight stimulate the production of serotonin in the skin. This neurotransmitter has a positive effect on our mood and reduces the risk of depression.
  • Outdoor light sets your biological clock in sync and restores your hormone balance. If you have been outside a lot during the day, you will produce more melatonin (sleep hormone) in the evening and you will sleep better.
  • In park and forest, the light is much cleaner than in the house, thanks to the plants that filter the air. Those who visit the park a lot have fewer lung complaints, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
  • It is just a lot more fun, pleasant and pleasant to exercise outside than on the conveyor belt, which is why you can last longer. Seeing nature causes your blood pressure to drop, your mood to improve, and your self-esteem to increase.

What can I do to motivate myself?

Make it fun for yourself by choosing a different running route each time. If you do fitness exercises on the go, you have more variety and you also train more muscle groups. Breathe well and refresh your lungs with clean air. To motivate you extra, I have recorded two videos with a few outdoor exercises.

Exercises with two full PET bottles

Outdoor gym with bottles

Exercises with a sawed-off tree stump

Outdoor finesse tree