Buttocks and back complaints

Why are my buttocks massaged?

With a back and full body massage, the buttocks are also massaged. Not all masseurs do that, some skip the entire pelvic area. That is unwise, because in the area of ​​gluten and buttock no less than 32 muscles come together. There is often a lot of tension in the buttocks, causing all kinds of back problems. There are also important nerve pathways (sciatica), which can be pinched.

A butt massage helps treat acute pain, delayed muscle pain, pre-seizure and tight muscles. Buttock massage provides reduced tension, prevention of delayed muscle pain, reduced muscle density and reduced pain in bones and around nerve tracts.

By freeing the glutes, the sacrum and the nerves, many back and leg complaints can be prevented or reduced. In short: A back massage without the buttocks is therefore not a full-fledged massage. When massaging the buttocks or abdomen I always ask if that is ok for the client.

Should the buttocks be exposed?

Often I cover the buttocks partly with a cloth, so you will feel comfortable during the massage. The underwear can also stay on. In that case, I slide the underpants down slightly and oil can get on the underpants. But most clients find it pleasant to be massaged with the buttocks.

What does back pain with the buttocks do?

If you have lower back pain, stomach pain, hip pain, or upper leg pain, in many cases those problems can be caused by trigger points in gluteal muscles such as the gluteus medius and minimus. These are overlapping pizza disk-shaped muscles on the side of the hip. Other muscles in that area are often involved, such as the gluteus maximus, piriformis, and lumbar paraspinal muscles. Many people are unaware that their bone and leg pain comes from the muscle knots of the buttock area and radiates up or down from there. This is why the glutes may often be tackled firmly by loosening trigger points.

What are trigger points?

Trigger points are local compactions of the muscle tissue that are often caused by overload. These are local cramps in muscles where a hypersensitive place arises as a result of a lack of blood flow and oxygen. From the outside, these muscle knots can be felt as painful hard bumps or strands. When you put a lot of pressure on it, it can produce radiating pain in another part of the body. Trigger points can arise in all muscles in the body, and always in fixed places. Namely where the nervous system transfers information to the muscle. Often the cause is overload, stress or bad posture, but also a fall or accident, too little exercise or poor nutrition can lead to it. From a trigger point, pain can radiate to other areas, such as the legs (see below) or the back.

How are the buttocks massaged?

Depending on the tension, blockages and possible pain, I determine how the buttocks are massaged. A variety of techniques are used within a butt massage including compression, friction, deep thrust, and trigger designation.

I pay particular attention to the attachments of muscle and bone, because these are well-known places where a lot of tension can arise. for example, at the top and attachment of the large gluteus (gluteus maximus).

The nerves can sometimes pinch because muscles or bones press against them. Many neural pathways run from the sacrum and the buttocks, the sciatica is the highway beneath the nerves. The many branches over the buttocks make this area sensitive and erogenous. A bug massage is therefore wonderful to receive, but has no sexual character. It is aimed at releasing tension and blockages.