Buttocks and back complaints

Why are my buttocks massaged?

With a back and full body massage, the buttocks are also massaged. Not all masseurs do that, some skip the entire pelvic area. That is unwise, because in the area of ​​gluten and buttock no less than 32 muscles come together. There is often a lot of tension in the buttocks, causing all kinds of back problems. There are also important nerve pathways (sciatica), which can be pinched.

A butt massage helps treat acute pain, delayed muscle pain, pre-seizure and tight muscles. Buttock massage provides reduced tension, prevention of delayed muscle pain, reduced muscle density and reduced pain in bones and around nerve tracts.

By freeing the glutes, the sacrum and the nerves, many back and leg complaints can be prevented or reduced. In short: A back massage without the buttocks is therefore not a full-fledged massage. When massaging the buttocks or abdomen I always ask if that is ok for the client.

Should the buttocks be exposed?

Often I cover the buttocks partly with a cloth, so you will feel comfortable during the massage. The underwear can also stay on. In that case, I slide the underpants down slightly and oil can get on the underpants. But most clients find it pleasant to be massaged with the buttocks.

What does back pain with the buttocks do?

If you have lower back pain, stomach pain, hip pain, or upper leg pain, in many cases those problems can be caused by trigger points in gluteal muscles such as the gluteus medius and minimus. These are overlapping pizza disk-shaped muscles on the side of the hip. Other muscles in that area are often involved, such as the gluteus maximus, piriformis, and lumbar paraspinal muscles. Many people are unaware that their bone and leg pain comes from the muscle knots of the buttock area and radiates up or down from there. This is why the glutes may often be tackled firmly by loosening trigger points.

What are trigger points?

Trigger points are local compactions of the muscle tissue that are often caused by overload. These are local cramps in muscles where a hypersensitive place arises as a result of a lack of blood flow and oxygen. From the outside, these muscle knots can be felt as painful hard bumps or strands. When you put a lot of pressure on it, it can produce radiating pain in another part of the body. Trigger points can arise in all muscles in the body, and always in fixed places. Namely where the nervous system transfers information to the muscle. Often the cause is overload, stress or bad posture, but also a fall or accident, too little exercise or poor nutrition can lead to it. From a trigger point, pain can radiate to other areas, such as the legs (see below) or the back.

How are the buttocks massaged?

Depending on the tension, blockages and possible pain, I determine how the buttocks are massaged. A variety of techniques are used within a butt massage including compression, friction, deep thrust, and trigger designation.

I pay particular attention to the attachments of muscle and bone, because these are well-known places where a lot of tension can arise. for example, at the top and attachment of the large gluteus (gluteus maximus).

The nerves can sometimes pinch because muscles or bones press against them. Many neural pathways run from the sacrum and the buttocks, the sciatica is the highway beneath the nerves. The many branches over the buttocks make this area sensitive and erogenous. A bug massage is therefore wonderful to receive, but has no sexual character. It is aimed at releasing tension and blockages.

Belly massage

A belly massage can be a very pleasant and intimate experience. Would you like to receive such a massage but do you have doubts? Then you will find frequently asked questions here.

Can emotions be released during a massage? 

It often happens that emotions are released during a massage. Releasing emotions is a natural process. Especially when energy blockages are being addressed in the body, old tension can be released and an energy flow can start. This energy flow is sometimes tingling, joy, ecstasy. But often with tears or sadness.

Especially with an (abnominal / deep tissue) abdominal massage, a lot of stored emotion and tension can be released in the form of energy packages.

How does an energy blockage arise?

This energy block can arise in various places in the body, especially around internal visceral organs. Think of the abdomen and chest area: the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, pancreas and intestines.

The energy flow is once blocked when you have to deal with worries, negative feelings or an unprocessed situation.

We are often not aware of these pent-up feelings, but a hard place may have arisen in the body. In the long run, ignoring this can lead to poor organ functioning, various abdominal disorders and visceral imbalance. So if you feel irritated or tense, an abdominal massage can help release energy blockages.

How do you deal with emotions during a belly massage?

A stomach massage requires a careful, therapeutic approach in which you feel safe and trusted, and where there is plenty of room to express emotions.

The starting point for every massage is attentive presence. By being there for you completely as a masseur, an atmosphere is created in which you can be yourself. When a place where there is a blockage is carefully released old memories and emotions often come up. In case of grief, I provide comfort and warmth. Usually this does not take longer than 1,5 minutes. Then the released emotion flows through your body like electricity and afterwards you will feel more vital, more flexible and your organs will function better again.

After the massage

How long does the effect of a massage last?

During a massage, hormones such as oxytocin and other “feel good” endorphins are released in the body. The heart rate slows down, oxygen increase increases, and the state of relaxation begins to replace the state of stress in the body. Many of my clients describe this physical feeling as 'Divine'.


This immediate improvement does not disappear at the same speed. Research shows that the direct physical benefits of massage can be measured for about three days to a week. The mental effects also usually remain active for about 36 hours.

However, there are big differences from person to person. This depends on various factors.

The lifestyle and of great influence on the length of the aftereffect. Moreover, everyone's body reacts differently to a massage, and everyone's needs for a massage are different. In addition, the situations in which someone ends up in the days after the massage may be of influence. If there are many stressors in someone's life and someone lives unhealthy, then that person will have to make more effort to keep the effect.


What can I do to benefit from the massage for as long as possible?

There are some things you can do to keep the relaxing, anti-stress effects for as long as possible. The most important tip is to avoid stress-inducing situations for as long as possible. Stay relaxed, follow your breathing and listen to your body.

Avoid unrest from outside
Do not get rushed in traffic, but drive slowly. and let aggressive drivers pass you. Listen to relaxing music and avoid loud thumping music. Avoid the TV, especially the news. All of these situations suck for adrenaline and testosterone, which turn off the pheromones in your body.

Eat light meals
Avoid eating a heavy meal after a massage. Eating a large meal makes your blood pressure rise and makes you feel uncomfortable. Prefer to eat a lot of vegetables and some grains.

Drink enough
After a massage it is important to drink a lot, so that your body can properly dispose of the released waste. Avoid caffeinated drinks after a massage, as they make you feel perked up.

Time for yourself
Take the time for everything you do. Avoid strenuous activities that require effort from your head. Ensure sufficient movement. But also for moments of inner peace, for example through yoga or meditation. Plan a moment for yourself, preferably several times a day.

How do I deal with emotions and dreams after a massage?

During the massage you probably felt some physical pain, but perhaps emotions also surfaced. It is also possible that you experience emotions after the massage. Take the time for yourself and consider these emotions as a gift. By looking at your own emotion with patience and compassion, that emotion automatically sets in motion as energy flow through your body. As soon as you allow the emotion and dare to look at it, the emotion can let go and you can let it go. That gives a feeling of liberation.

Often a form of healing / emotional healing takes place after a massage treatment. You can feel tired for one or two days and sleep for hours after a session. You may even have remarkably lively dreams the night after a session. In most cases you feel revitalized with energy, you feel lighter, cheerful and fresh. You have come into contact with your body more, which creates a fuller life, where you are more able to feel things.

Less muscle acidification

How does muscle pain develop?

Lactic acid is formed during the burning of carbohydrates and sugars. Lactic acid is a fast energy source, which is used at high intensity. Lactic acid is also present in your muscles at rest. With little effort, your body succeeds well in draining and neutralizing and removing it. But during intensive exercise an accumulation of waste products such as lactic acid occurs.

Lactic acid can also be burned, but sufficient oxygen is needed. As long as the oxygen supply to your muscles is sufficient, the production of lactic acid and the burning of lactic acid are in balance.




If you exercise more intensively or for longer continuously, more lactic acid is released and insufficient oxygen can be supplied to completely burn off the lactic acid that is released. Lactic acid builds up in your muscle tissue, causing your muscles to “acidify”. The worse your muscles acidify, the more


Acidification due to the accumulation of lactic acid in your muscle tissue causes muscle pain, a burning sensation in your muscles. Your body sends out a signal to slow down until the lactic acid has been transported to your kidneys via the bloodstream.

Both lactic acid and others provide a 'paralyzing' effect when you start exercising again. The accumulation of waste products, such as lactic acid and H + ions in your muscles, reduces the blood supply to the muscles, making them function less well. Your muscle fibers can contract less efficiently and your sports performance decreases. The muscle pain usually lasts for a few days, until your body has converted most of the waste.

How can I prevent muscle acidification?

Trained muscles acidify less quickly than untrained muscles. If your muscles become acidic after a short time, they are insufficiently trained. So build up slowly, so that you do not overload the muscles. If you want to prevent muscle pain, do not start with long and intensive training if you are not used to that. Also, take plenty of rests and breaks to keep your heart rate low. The higher your heart rate, the greater the risk of muscle acidification. In addition, take sufficient days of rest. Start alternating one day of exercise with two days of rest. Once your muscles are used to intensive strain, you can train every other day.

What do I do if my muscles are acidic?

Give your muscles plenty of rest to recover. During regeneration, your body also makes new muscle cells, so you become stronger. Do you suffer from muscle pain, take extra care and wait to exercise. Your muscle cells need 3 to 5 days to regenerate. If you continue to train with acidic muscles, you run a high risk of long-term muscle stiffness and permanent muscle damage.

If you often and quickly suffer from muscle acidification, have your thyroid levels, vitamin D, iron and vitamin B12 tested by means of a blood value assessment.

Some athletes use bicarbonate to neutralize lactic acid and prevent muscle acidification. However, sodium bicarbonate is incredibly rich in sodium (table salt). It ensures increased blood pressure (hypertension), diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, kidney problems, urinary tract stones and even heart problems.

How do I reduce muscle pain?

The most natural way to reduce your muscle acidity is a sedating sports massage. Such a solid muscle massage ensures a better circulation and waste of the acidifying waste products, so that the muscle pain disappears faster and you can quickly achieve higher sports performances again.

Women and massage

Most women have different wishes and needs for a massage than many men. Only strength and pressure is experienced as unpleasant. The alternation between firmness and soft touch often feels more pleasant for women.

Massage woman

Do I have to get completely out of the clothes?
You can keep your underwear on, but a bra is very awkward during a massage. Your body is covered with towels and if necessary. a blanket.
Although many women would like to be massaged by a man, they sometimes experience insecurity when getting naked. Sometimes you have to cross a barrier to give up your body and dare to let go. That makes sense, because not all men listen carefully to what you want. Personal attention creates an atmosphere of peace and trust, where there is plenty of time and attention for you. Through a loving and safe bed with deep respect for your femininity you can go down energetically and surrender to my hands.

Do you take into account my specific wishes?
Every massage is completely customized. As a masseur I agree to the special wishes of someone and I take into account the physique, the muscle mass and the skin structure. Many women feel hesitant to say what they like and do not like. Yet this is very important, so I will invite you during the session to find what you like or not. I can read your body (for example by feeling where there is tension and cold) but not reading your thoughts.


Together we look for the touch and treatment that suits you completely. So that you can fully relax in surrender and experience your beauty from within.

How do you deal with pain and emotions?
When you start to feel more, you feel pleasure but sometimes also emotions that were stored in your nerve cells. Through touch you can become aware of those old feelings of pain, shame or stress. At the same time you experience the warmth, loving attention and your radiant self, with which you can solve the pain and enjoy yourself even more.


You experience the connection with yourself and your environment. Everything is allowed. You will feel one again with your body and mind. The touch will make you feel your own body better, even in unknown places. in this way you take a journey to who you are deeply. After the massage you will experience more energy, relaxation and a better mood. You radiate like a child with a flush on your cheeks and you feel 10 years younger.


Effect in your brain

What effect does massage have on your brain?

A positive effect of massage is the improvement of your mood. Much research has been done on the chemical reactions of massage in the brain. During a massage, the body produces and regulates neurohormones. These hormones are located in the nervous system and affect your thoughts and behavior. It has been known for some time that massage has an effect on your emotional world.


Recent scientific research by the TOUCH Research Institute at the University of Miami shows that massage improves the availability of all neurohormones in the brain. Massage increases the level of dopamine in the brain. This is a neurohormone that is released by the hypothalamus. Dopamine is necessary for concentration and fine motor movement, such as painting or playing a musical instrument. It affects intuition, inspiration, joy and enthusiasm. A lack of dopamine causes awkwardness, poor focus and quickly being distracted.

cervello coma

Massage also increases the availability of serotonin, a neurohormone that affects your emotions. It decreases your irritability and your obsession with sex and food. Serotonin deficiency causes insomnia, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders.


Massage also lowers levels of Cortisol, a stress-related neurohormone produced by the adrenal glands. It has also been shown that certain massages cause you to produce endorphins. These hormones reduce pain and give a feeling of euphoria. This “feel good” effect can last up to 48 hours after the massage.

Other research has shown that after a short chair massage of 15 minute massage the level of epinephrine (a form of adrenaline) increased by stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. This substance increases your alertness. A slower, longer, deeper (Swedish) massage lowers the epinephrine level, creating a feeling of relaxation and easier falling asleep.

Oxytocin is another neurohormone that is released by massage. It supports feelings of attachment and can help during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

Finally, by stimulating sleep, massage can increase the availability of growth hormones that are released during deep sleep. This stimulates cell division, restores damaged tissue, and promotes regeneration or healing.

Men's massage

Touch by a man feels differently than by a woman. A male masseur has warmer hands and more strength. As a result, he exerts more pressure on your skin and underlying muscles. For that reason many men choose to be massaged by a man.

Am I straight if I want to be massaged by a man?

You are a heterosexual man and you sometimes want to be massaged by a man. Is that a sign that you might be gay? No, you don't have to. You will be amazed at the large number of heterosexual men who opt for a men's massage. They choose this because a man can massage more firmly. For these men, the massage itself is often more important than a possible climax. They want a professional massage, for example after exercise or during a stressful period.

How do I recognize my border and how do I make it known?

Before the massage I always ask about your limits: Do you have pain anywhere? Where would you rather not be touched? What kind of touch do you find unpleasant? For many straight men, the limits of touch are different than for gay men and that is only logical. As a masseur, I am constantly alert to whether someone feels comfortable or not. For example, you may not like it when the masseur's body comes too close. This can feel like a violation of your personal space. Always feel free to indicate your limits.

What if I experience erotic feelings during the massage?

The touch can arouse sexual energy and erotic feelings. Precisely because the touch from a man feels different than from your female partner, the massage can feel exciting. And sometimes you can have a spontaneous erection and/or orgasm. You don't have to think about it and you don't have to do anything with it. Just enjoy it! My massages are not aimed at climaxing, but your body can sometimes react unexpectedly. To experience pleasure in the presence of another man can be a special new experience. You don't have to be gay or bisexual for that.

Make your own herbal oil

How do I make my own herbal oil?

You can easily enrich the oil yourself with herbs from the garden, to give the massage oil a pleasant scent and medicinal effect. You call this macerates. I often use marigold, thyme, rose petals and lavender to put together a nice massage oil. How do you proceed?

Use an empty glass jar, for example an empty (well cleaned) jam jar or similar, and fill it with the herbs or dried flowers of your choice.

Now add enough oil so that the herbs are just under. Put the lid on the jar and place the jar in a light, warm place.

chamomile macerate

Shake the jar daily so that all herbs remain well in the oil. The intention is for the herbs to transfer their active ingredients to the oil. After 3 weeks the oil is ready.


Then take a clean pot (preferably of dark glass) and strain the herb oil through a sieve (possibly with coffee filter) so that only the pure oil with herbal or floral scent remains.
make macerates