Embodied retreats

Feel every sensation, every emotion, every vibration in your body. Listen to what your body tells you. Follow your physical impulses and take good care of your body. Your actual self and your body are one. 

“To embody” means to embody or to give a concrete form and to personify it. In a more spiritual sense, the verb is used to enter your body, to incarnate, and to become bodily. You can embody your mind. The individual retreats that Tijs Breuer offers inspire you to become more embodied.

Your way to “embodiment”

Tijs Breuer supports your path to become more embodied, to sink more into your body. Not only by taking good care of your body, with healthy food and sports. Embodiment goes further than that. Develop your personality with more body awareness. This gives you a complete, complete feeling. That is why in addition to individual treatments you now also find individual retreats on this website. during such a retreat you have plenty of time for yourself to get closer to yourself and to be more connected to your body.

Relationships and self-understanding

I can praise myself happily with loving, long-term and beautiful relationships with both women and men and a nice group of friends around me. Sometimes there are also painful moments when a relationship ends or takes on a different form. At those moments I notice that I am constantly reinventing myself and others.

Both with permanent relationships and with long-term friendships, I experience how enriching these contacts are for my personal development. Because the other person constantly holds up a mirror to you. I immediately see the effect of my own attitude and behavior in the reaction of the other. That is not always fun, but it is enormously educational.

In my coaching practice I often work with relationship themes. It does not matter whether it concerns a relationship with family, valuable friendships, open relationships or a marriage. Relating starts with self-insight. Because by working on your contact with the other, you work on yourself… and vice versa!

Tips for a sustainable and healthy relationship

Our desire for connection stems from our primal desire for wholeness and unity. You experience that unity by connecting with your partner. Your partner mirrors aspects of yourself. This evokes a sense of recognition, but also creates resistance and confrontation. Partners who dare to be themselves and share their feelings can last longer with each other, research has shown. Below are six golden tips to make and keep your relationship healthy.

  1. Love yourself
  2. Accept yourself and the other
  3. Take responsibility
  4. Trust your partner
  5. Be warm to each other
  6. Enjoy the moment

1. Love yourself

In order to love another, it is imperative that you can go through one door with yourself. Self-love is therefore the basis for a healthy relationship. If you can accept all the pluses and minuses of yourself, that will result in much less hassle in the relationship. But often we are hindered by all kinds of critical voices within ourselves and we do not consider ourselves good enough. Can you really be who you are and can you embrace your own “weak spots”? When you see the beauty of your uniqueness, the other person can love you more too.

2. Accept yourself and the other

When you accept yourself it becomes a lot easier to accept the other person with all his idiosyncrasies. You recognize your own awkwardness and can then also see with a smile the - sometimes childish - behavior of the other. You recognize what lives in all of us: the need to be seen and accepted. When you are in your center, in your power, you are no longer concerned with criticizing the other and you do not have to change the other. When you show yourself as you are, with your vulnerability, your needs and desires, you are more authentic. Everyone intuitively knows immediately when they are dealing with an authentic person, because you immediately feel at ease.

3. Take responsibility

If you always let your happiness depend on someone else, that person can also make you unhappy. If you notice that you are always busy with the other person, then it is time to take responsibility for your own life. Stop being dependent on yourself, because this is not good for you and for the other. Rather take good care of yourself instead of expecting this from the other. If you know what you need, you will take better care of yourself and enjoy life more. You become aware of your own limits and desires. If you pronounce it, the other can connect to it. In this way you can give from abundance instead of from a shortage.

4. Trust your partner

Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Without trust, there is no real intimacy, love and fulfillment possible. But how do we give and earn trust if it has been shamed by previous situations? And how do we ensure that we do not confuse trust with imposing demands, expectations and desires on the other? We often don't want to admit that there is something wrong with that foundation of trust in your relationship. The point is, it's an all-or-nothing issue: either you trust someone completely or you don't trust them. You can't trust your lover just a little bit.

5. Be warm to each other

You feel warm, protected and cherished when there is care for each other and intimacy in the relationship. Take the time to be consciously together, not only to do things together, but also to simply be. Consciously feel the connection between your heart and that of your partner. Feel a loving connection, in which there is attention for each other and also freedom. Not a straitjacket but a gathering in which life energy is exchanged. Tantra exercises can help to experience this more consciously together. When you let go of your resistance, space is created for a deeper connection and you let the hard shell around you melt away. The vulnerability and the emotion may also be there in silence and in openness. And sometimes you just need to be alone for a while. Be aware of that balance, in yourself and the other. And don't feel rejected if the other person asks for space to be alone.

6. Enjoy the moment

Many people are afraid of losing the other. Or they experience pressure to have to meet all kinds of expectations of the other. When you allow yourself to dare to be in the moment, all these fears disappear. Be aware that you are together now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now. The future is uncertain, it could all be different tomorrow. It may even be over by tomorrow. Just let go tomorrow, just right now, without fear of what might come. And show the other what you are feeling at the moment. This requires openness and daring to be vulnerable. This is easier if you create a moment of rest and relaxation together. A moment without expectations and automatic response patterns.

Relationship hit

Marit de Jong interviewed several inspiring personalities about relationships, under the title “Insights in Relationship Hit”. Maintaining a relationship isn't always easy and sometimes it feels like torment. Its mission is: to develop new ideas about relationship skills. Below you will find an interview by Marit de Jong with Lenne Gieles about self-exploration in relationships. Check out all of her videos on her Youtube Channel.

You can learn to relate

An important source of inspiration in guiding couples is the booklet "You can learn relationships" by relationship therapist and coach Patricia van Lingen. For years she searched for the key to a loving relationship, until she discovered that it lay within itself. Because only when you yourself are in balance, you can also attract a partner in balance. The book “You can learn relationships” teaches you to look at yourself and your relationship in a completely different way and to break through stuck patterns. By improving communication in your relationship and finding your inner balance, your relationship will become more loving and harmonious.

cleaning by massage and diet

During the massage and yoga weekend “Refreshing Spring” participants have learned a cleansing massage. With deep tissue techniques the waste is removed from the muscles and connective tissue. By lymphatic drainage the draining lymph system was stimulated. This in combination with a cleansing diet ensures that your body drains toxic substances and makes you feel more vital. A refreshing start to the spring.

What is the use of body cleansing?

Many long-term ailments and complaints are the result of the accumulation of waste in the body. Examples of such complaints are headache and migraine, skin problems, fatigue, poor resistance and intestinal complaints.

For centuries, people have been focusing on detoxing the body, especially in the spring. this gives you a stronger, more resilient body. And if there is balance, the resistance to intruders such as viruses and harmful bacteria will also be higher and the self-healing capacity of your body will increase. There are various ways to clean the body. A combination of these different ways makes body cleansing effective and gives you a better feeling.

Which foods have a cleansing effect?

A supplementary diet can enhance the cleansing effect. A detox treatment or detox treatment is a temporary diet, in which all potentially harmful substances are avoided. Not only is smoking, coffee, alcohol and fats avoided, but also for products that are not necessarily unhealthy, but that do require the capacity of waste disposal processes to break down. So ensure a healthy diet and temporarily avoid highly digestible foods such as grains, sugars and fats. And provide sufficient minerals and vitamins. Certain herbs, fruits and tablets also help you to "detoxify" your body.

The following nutritional supplements have a draining effect on your moisture and fat balance and improve bowel movements.

  • Nettle tea (moisture-wicking herb)
  • Roosvisé lax (laxative fruits)
  • Raspberry Ketones (fat-draining, ensures weight loss)
  • Dr. Stuarts Lax Plus Tea (improves bowel movements)
  • Lemon or lemon oil (cleanses intestines and purifies blood)

Does massage have a cleansing effect?

In fact, any kind of massage can have a cleansing effect on the body. Massage stimulates the blood circulation in the skin and this stimulus affects the metabolism. The blood vessels dilate causing more blood to flow through the subcutaneous tissue. With this, more nutrients and oxygen are supplied. The tissues use this oxygen and nutrients for all sorts of body processes, whereby waste products are cleaned up and removed via the blood. The liver breaks down the waste and ensures that it is excreted via the kidneys or converted into useful substances.

Which massage oil has a cleansing effect?

Cleansing massage oil is available under the name "detox" and often contains ginger, juniper, parsley, pine and / or citrus fruits. Ginger not only cleanses, it has a warming effect, gives strength and energy, stimulates and invigorates body and mind. Juniper has a detoxifying effect and strengthens immunity. Lemon oil also cleanses the skin, it not only fights skin fungi, it also helps against cellulite and strengthens the skin. With oily skin or small pimples, it ensures that the sebaceous glands relax.


Nettle soup (for a cleansing cure):
Pick two heads from the tops of young nettles; use as few stems as possible. Leave it at home in a bucket of water. Wash the nettles well. Cut two medium-sized potatoes, one carrot and 1 small onion into pieces. Mix the ingredients; add twice as much water and stock base. Cook the mixture until the potatoes are tender. Puree the mixture in the food processor. Add if necessary. some crème fraiche to taste.

Nettle tonic (for your skin):
Cut or puree picked tops of young nettles in the food processor. Put the mixture in a clean jam jar. Add grain gin, so that the pieces of leaves have enough room to 'swim' and stand well under the gin. Place the properly sealed jar in a dark place, for example in a cupboard. Shake every day. After this extract has been in a cupboard for three weeks, it must be sieved. Put the tincture in a clean jar with a label and put it in the fridge.

Lymphatic drainage

Do you need a spring cleansing of your body? In combination with cleansing food, lymphatic drainage can offer a solution. By stimulating your lymph nodes and lymphatic pathways, you ensure that your body starts to discharge waste materials more quickly. During the massage and yoga weekend “Refreshing Spring” we have worked with lymphatic drainage techniques. Read more about this method here.

What is lymphatic drainage?

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage that stimulates the lymphatic system to drain the (too much) lymph fluid.

Our body consists of moisture for 2 / 3. This fluid is among other things between and in the cells, bloodstreams, and lymphatic pathways. Lymphatic fluid ensures, among other things, the transport of harmful substances (such as virus, bacteria) and the conduction of nerve impulses. The lymphatic system (lymph nodes and lymph vessels) is the body's drainage system. Lymph nourishes, purifies and drains and has an important cleansing function. Lymphatic drainage is a natural process of the body that normally does not require help. However, this process can be disrupted by illness, stress or an accident.

Dr. 1932 developed Emil Vodder, a Danish biologist, a revolutionary therapy for that time, the Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD). This subtle massage method brings the moisture balance of the body back into balance. This method is often used in the legs, face and arms.

Such a treatment can be combined with a general one cleansing massage, a supportive draining diet and with edema therapy. Some examples of this are bandage limbs (ambulatory compression therapy), edema and fibrosis, elastic stockings and lymph taping (lymph drainage is stimulated by applying a type of plaster strips).

When is lymph drainage useful?

The lymphatic system, among other things, absorbs and removes excess tissue fluid, proteins and cells from your tissues. Lymphatic drainage can be used in places where there is a surplus of moisture and / or waste in the tissue. There are various disorders that can benefit from lymphatic drainage. For example with lymphedema en lip edema it can make a positive contribution. In the case of inflammation, the inflammation must first be treated before lymphatic drainage is started.

How does manual lymph drainage work?

With the Manual Lymphatic Drainage, a very gentle, pumping pressure is exerted rhythmically on the skin and the subcutaneous connective tissue. The natural flow of the lymph fluid is followed. The goal is to activate the lymphatic system so that fluid and waste are drained faster. Moreover, this immune system improves the immune system. In addition, a manual lymph drainage brings the nervous system in balance. It has a very relaxing and pain-relieving effect.

Which complaints are treated with lymphatic drainage?

The Manual Lymphatic Drainage, according to the Dr. Vodder technique, is used for the following complaints and disorders:

  • Swelling (edema, during pregnancy, after surgery, accident)
  • Sprains.
  • Haemorrhages.
  • Muscle pains and muscle injury.
  • Migraine.
  • Stress related complaints (insomnia, headache, loss of concentration, etc.)
  • Constipation.
  • Blood circulation problems.
  • Headache.
  • Chronic eczema.
  • Skin problems.
  • Cleaning cures (losing weight and detoxing).
  • Haemorrhages.
  • Sprains.
  • Muscle pains.
  • Nerve related complaints (MS, migraine).
  • Fibromyalgia.

How does lymphatic drainage treatment work?

A lymphatic drainage treatment is soft and almost painless. First, the lymph nodes in the neck are massaged, also stimulating the nerve pathways that regulate the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes and lymph nodes are then massaged in other places. Which they are, depends on your problem or need. The massage pressure is soft and spiral. Because the excess moisture must be properly drained, the rhythm of the massage is very important.

What can you expect after the treatment?

You may have to urinate more after treatment, as dispersed fluid is drained off during treatment. The massage results in the volume of the inflated body part, which contains excess fluid. As a result, the mobility will increase and any existing pain will decrease.

Bulletin board

Clients and friends regularly ask me whether they can publicize an activity, an initiative or a product via my network. No matter how sympathetic I find this, I don't want to bother anyone with advertising through my newsletter or through the meetup groups that I manage. That's why I created this page, with a notice board for everyone who wants to make something known. Use it as a marketplace or place a call here.

People in touch already have more than 300 members

March 4, 2019 - Today our Meetup group has “Men in Touch NL” crossed the border of 300 members. Reason for a treat!

  • Tomorrow evening at the Meetup in Tienhoven (Utrecht) I bring some goodies. 
  • Those who register this afternoon or evening (4 March 2019) for one of the activities and medium send a personal message, receive a 10 euro discount! 

So this is the time to pull yourself over the line and join. In this newsletter you will read tips about new activities, which we will soon organize. For men like you and me, who love touch. 

Refreshing Spring - massage and yoga weekend

12-14 April 2019 (you can participate in individual days)

Make a wonderful fresh start to spring by taking good care of your body. The combination of massage and playful yoga bring you more into your body and in connection with each other. Mischa van Dullemen and Tijs Breuer offer you an evening and two day workshops at unique locations in Amsterdam. The workshops can be followed separately or in combination. The themes “cleaning” and “invigorating” are central. 


Play - Friday evening 12 April 2019
Cleaning - Saturday 13 April 2019, all day
Invigorate - Sunday morning and afternoon 14 April 2019

Massage dance - March 31, 2019

During the massage-dance evening in Nijmegen you can touch each other sensually and passionately with other men in a coordinated dance. The evening is supervised by Leo van Vliet and Hans Roothaert. Massage dance is a still dance in which we caress and / or massage each other with our whole body in a loving movement. We do this with like-minded people in a warm, friendly, safe setting. 

Playfight Ritual - April 7, 2019

A unique opportunity for men to meet each other physically and in a playful way, one on one. In a showdown that is sometimes the character of a dance, sometimes more cuddly or sensual and sometimes full of playful aggression. The circle of witnesses is at least as important as the men in the circle. You experience your opponent in his vulnerability, beauty and strength. 

And further…

In Tienhoven (Utrecht) and Nijmegen there is a monthly massage every evening, always around a different theme. So you can go on April 2, 2019 get acquainted with the basic principles of Zen Shiatsu, an ancient Eastern massage style. 

In the atmospheric studio of Sebastian Holzhuber in Amsterdam there is a playful every month Massage & Play meetup around touch. Intimacy, awareness and creativity come together during these evenings. You make contact with yourself and the other person and express what lives in you.

The Utrecht Tantraassages organizes massage afternoons on Sundays. And on Friday night there are the Tantra meetups. Tantra is about discovering your own sensuality. This gives pleasure, intimacy and depth, every month with a surprising evening.

Do you also want to organize something that is within the objective of “Men in Touch" suits? Let us know!

Warm regards,

Tijs Breuer (Neptune Well-being)

Breath and energy work for women

Both women and men are welcome for breath and energy work at Neptunus Well-being. For a first introduction, as a woman you can choose the ritual Kum Nye Tantra or “Sensuality of the goddess”. 

What is a "Sensuality of the Goddess" massage?

This is a sensual ritual, emphasizing the sensuality of your senses. Soft touch, fine scented oil and energy-generating massage of your pelvic area, among other things, bring you into contact with the goddess within yourself. I guide you in this through meditation and breathing that strengthens the opening of your senses. Gradually you experience more life energy flowing through your body. I let you consciously feel these energies. In this way you become increasingly connected to the divine aspect of your feminine body. Surrender to the moment brings you into contact with your feminine, receiving qualities. 

What is Kum Nye Tantra?

Tantra originally emerged in India and Tibet from a religious need for more freedom within religion (both within Hinduism and Buddhism). It was an experiential theory in which personal divine experience is central instead of rules. Around 1700, various Buddhist tantra movements were brought together by Sangye Gyanatso. Based on the four major tantra schools (kagyu, nyingma, sakya and gelug), a new vision was developed, which was called Kun-nye. 

What distinguishes Kum-Nye Tantra from modern tantra currents?

The Kum-Nye tantra focuses on life energy, which flows from the crown of your body and reaches your pelvis via your kundalini (vertebrae). This tranquil form of tantra is meditative, intimate and without taboos. Kum-Nye tantra focuses on prana, your life energy that provides tranquility, peace and balance. And therefore much less on sexual energy than other, more modern forms of tantra. In a Kum-Nye tantra massage, the masseur and the person being massaged are both naked, so that all shame and limitations can be released and there is an equal basis. 

Why do you advise women to take a massage of 2 hours?

Many women need to let the massage last longer. Gradually you come more and more into peace and surrender. You come more into your feeling and then very nice things can happen. 

Are the erogenous zones also massaged during an energetic massage?

If you feel completely comfortable with me and you enjoy letting your life energy flow, I can also massage your pelvic area as part of a massage. First your entire body is brought into relaxation. Before the erogenous area of ​​your pelvis is touched, I will ask again what you like. 

Especially with a Kum-Nye tantra massage, you can enter into a very deep serene peace during the massage, where you discover the silence within yourself. Then, on closer inspection, an (internal) pelvic massage may not be appropriate. Soft strokes along your groin ensure that you experience your subtle life energy. 

How do you prevent my limits from being exceeded? 

The reporting center for tantra abuse shows that some male tantra masseurs quickly massage too intimately and cross the boundary of the female client. I value a safe atmosphere in which you can be yourself completely. My intention is to tailor the massage to your needs. That is why we discuss in advance what your wishes and limits are. The boundaries you specify are an important starting point for the massage, to which I remain faithful. So we both stick to those principles, even if you feel different needs during the massage. In a subsequent treatment can then possibly be more intimate massages. You may not know very well where your boundary is and how far you want to go in receiving touch. In that case, I will always check how you feel during the massage and I also listen to body signals, which indicate that you are leaving your body or in your head. 

Can a woman touch you as a masseur during an energetic massage?

I have no objection if you feel the need to hold my hand or leg during the massage. This can help you connect, feel safe and open up to my touch. But the purpose of the energetic massage is to fully enter into the surrender of receiving. You may feel your natural impulse to give something back, but you don't have to act on it right now. You are invited to experience what it is like, to do nothing and just receive. In general, I allow your touch if I notice that you are focusing on yourself. If I notice that you shift your attention to me as a masseur instead of focusing on your own body sensations, I will gently put your hand back and ask you to focus on yourself again.

Menstruation and massage

How does menstrual pain develop?

Menstrual pain is caused by powerful contraction of the uterus, which rejects the uterine lining. The pain slowly gets worse and usually disappears quickly after a peak. Menstrual pain is similar to the pain that occurs during a wee. Menstrual pain occurs especially during the first 2 days of menstruation. 

Is it good to be massaged during menstruation?

You can simply get a massage during your period. In fact, a massage can significantly reduce your period pain. Ask for an abdominal massage, which involves massaging your uterus and ovaries. A good abdominal massage accelerates blood circulation and takes away the tension in your abdomen. Any cramps will quickly diminish.

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What if I suffer from my lower back?

In addition to stomachaches and headaches, there are also women who suffer from lower back pain during menstruation. Then have your lower back massaged. Having sex and an orgasm also relaxes the muscles and can reduce the pain of menstruation. 

How can I remedy the menstrual pain myself?

You can also massage your own abdomen, which will reduce menstrual pain. Coat your belly with warming oil, press gently and rub your lower abdomen in circles. Your ovaries are located low in the abdomen. Place both thumbs on your belly button and form a triangle. The ovaries are located where your little fingers are, and the uterus is located between the other fingers.

What else can I do against menstrual complaints?

  • Provide adequate rest and relaxation around menstruation.
  • Use little sugar and sugary food or sweets. 
  • Sport regularly to reduce menstrual cramps.
  • Reduce back pain due to back exercises: get on your hands and knees and curl your back slowly and hollow.
  • Take a warm jug and / or a hot bath. 

Thank you for your comments

You always make me happy with a response after the treatment. I often receive a personal message a few days afterwards, in which it is shared how someone feels and what the massage has brought him or her. Some clients choose to share their response on this or another website so others can read about their experiences. Such a reference may persuade someone else to also undergo treatment. Or it answers questions / doubts that someone has. That is why I am very grateful for any response. Below you can read a number of public comments that you can find on massage websites.

Reviews on the massage website Hunqz.com

January 25, 2019 - Fantastic experience! First time quite exciting but I was immediately put at ease! In the meantime already been about 3 times, each time is different but always great! Highly recommended.

January 25, 2019 - Words can't describe how wonderful the massage experience was with Thijs. Such an amazing man and such a deep and thoughtful experience. Highly recommended.

December 16, 2018 - Thought it was exciting and nervous for a massage. Tijs radiates tranquility and professionalism and knows how to put you at ease. Enjoyed the massage.

5 November 2018 - Tijs hat es auf wunderbare Weise wits mit seinen Händen meine Energie wieder in die richtigen Bahnen zu lenken und mit seinen Anleitungen hat er genau meine Defizite aufsspürt und mir geholfen sie zu manage. Darüberhinaus is there liebenswerter und angenehmer Mensch mit dem man jeden Augenblick genießen kann und immer wieder auf's neue möchte. Von ganzem Herzen ein lieber Gruß von M.

October 29, 2018 - I've now met Tijs again and if anything the second time was even better. Wonderfully relaxing with magic hands and a perfect touch everywhere. Bliss!

Reviews of Tijs Breuer on Rentmasseur.com

October 9, 2018 - An incredibly talented, kind, and generous masseur.

October 2, 2018 - I booked a tantra massage with Thijs. He came to my place and what a suprise. Nice guy and very patient. He give me the best massage I ever had and was so gentle and knew exactly what I wanted without saying something. I will book him again that is for sure.

October 1, 2018 - Yesterday had a wonderful massage from Tijs. My first experience with tantra and certainly not my last. I was able to undergo this experience in peace and without looking at the clock. I'll definitely return.

Comments on Markplaats.nl

September 21, 2018 - A very special massage from a very skilled, attractive and fun man. Tijs first asks about wishes and problem areas, and has all the attention to respond to this during the massage. Wonderfully firm where necessary, soft, subtle but also intense where it feels very pleasant… I enjoyed the tension and relaxation!

September 20, 2018 - Tijs talks of enjoying “his magic hands and experiencing a deep connection” and that is exactly what he delivers. The experience was a wonderful two tantric hours. Tijs is a highly skilled, charming and gentle man. The massage was perfect and the total experience left me as relaxed as I have been in years. Very much recommend.

September 15, 2018 - Really nice person and great massage.

September 6, 2018 - Tijs has a caring and sensitive soul. You can feel it the moment his hands touch your skin. His massage is firm but sensual. But the most important is that he connects with you in a more emotional level. I enjoyed our session and hope to have more soon.

28 August 2018 - Under his hands Tijs offered me an amazing intimate and relaxing journey. With him I've been floating for more than one hour between dream and ecstasy. He discovered one by one the most sensitive spots of my body letting them vibrate to their highest. I already experienced a lot of massages but this one is definitely a special one… because given by a special man, a skilful and talented masseur whose kindness, sensuality and empathy are so precious. Thank you!

August 8, 2018 - Amazing masseur! Thank you Tijs for this special moment! Make me feel relax, safe and open up to sensual and erotic discovery! I will come back to you again.

August 2, 2018 - A very skilled masseur who is focused on what he does. A totally Zen place where you can let yourself perfectly indulge in touch and erotic energy

July 19, 2018 - A wonderful masseur for ultimate sensual and erotic touch !!! I will come back to him!